120 min.
Release Date: 5-16-2024

The best kinds of movies are the ones that acquire a cult following...a fanbase that's passionate, dedicated and who can easily quote along the entire movie!!! GET READY FOR CULT CLASSIC TRIVIA!!! This theme is an annual event as it's one of our most popular trivia nites we hold. So grab your friends for a chance to win a $100, $50, $25 Chunky's Gift Card for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams. We are allowing teams of up to 8 players. $6 will secure you a spot and give you a $5.00 off food voucher to be used towards your bill the night of the event. Please be advised, each player needs to purchase a ticket. 1 ticket does not reserve your entire team! All other game details will be simply laid out for your team by our trivia host when you arrive. Doors open at 6:30pm. Please arrive early so we can square away teams. The trivia format they use is unmatched and and we've given them the ultimate platform...the use of our BIG SCREEN and state-of-the-art 7.1 Dolby surround sound!!! So get ready for a trivia experience that will blow you away.


Theater fullness meter
7:00 PM


Thursday, May 16

No Passes.  Special Events  Reserved Seating